Kupiškis - Riga: 165 km
After warming up a bit first two days we decided, that we could push it even a bit harder, and that it would be a good idea to reach Riga, the capital of Latvia, the same day. According to the map the distance should be around 160 km, but we managed to add 5 more km by cruising through towns on the way. The interesting fact about going north was that it was getting hotter and hotter. The weather improved, although we hadn't had any rainy cycling before. The scenery slowly changed from wast flat fields to wast flat forests. There were parts of the roads going straight for several kilometres. This boring straight lines enabled us to average some distances with over 30 km/h, which is pretty decent for 50 kg bicycle.
After 165 km, probably my personal record, in a day we reached the Riga City Camping. Needless to say, we were exhausted. But that didn't stop us from going to check out the night life in town till the very next morning. From unknown reason we were in a mood to party. This could only mean one thing - next day is going to be a rest day.